Package 'ElliptCopulas'

Title: Inference of Elliptical Distributions and Copulas
Description: Provides functions for the simulation and the nonparametric estimation of elliptical distributions, meta-elliptical copulas and trans-elliptical distributions, following the article Derumigny and Fermanian (2022) <doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2022.104962>.
Authors: Alexis Derumigny [aut, cre] , Jean-David Fermanian [aut] , Victor Ryan [aut], Rutger van der Spek [ctb]
Maintainer: Alexis Derumigny <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Built: 2025-03-10 02:16:51 UTC

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Conversion Functions for Elliptical Distributions


An elliptical random vector X of density det(Σ)1/2gd(xΣ1x)|det(\Sigma)|^{-1/2} g_d(x' \Sigma^{-1} x) can always be written as X=μ+RAUX = \mu + R * A * U for some positive random variable RR and a random vector UU on the dd-dimensional sphere. Furthermore, there is a one-to-one mapping between g_d and its one-dimensional marginal g_1.


Convert_gd_To_g1(grid, g_d, d)

Convert_g1_To_Fg1(grid, g_1)

Convert_g1_To_Qg1(grid, g_1)

Convert_g1_To_f1(grid, g_1)

Convert_gd_To_fR2(grid, g_d, d)



the grid on which the values of the functions in parameter are given.


the dd-dimensional density generator.


the dimension of the random vector.


the 11-dimensional density generator.


One of the following

  • g_1 the 11-dimensional density generator.

  • Fg1 the 11-dimensional marginal cumulative distribution function.

  • Qg1 the 11-dimensional marginal quantile function (approximately equal to the inverse function of Fg1).

  • f1 the density of a 11-dimensional margin if μ=0\mu = 0 and AA is the identity matrix.

  • fR2 the density function of R2R^2.

The function Convert_gd_To_g1 returns a numerical vector of (approximated) values of g_1 on the same grid as gd. In all other cases, a function is returned (see the examples section).

See Also

DensityGenerator.normalize to compute the normalized version of a given dd-dimensional generator.


grid = seq(0,100,by = 0.01)
g_d = DensityGenerator.normalize(grid = grid, grid_g = 1/(1+grid^3), d = 3)
g_1 = Convert_gd_To_g1(grid = grid, g_d = g_d, d = 3)
Fg_1 = Convert_g1_To_Fg1(grid = grid, g_1 = g_1)
Qg_1 = Convert_g1_To_Qg1(grid = grid, g_1 = g_1)
f1 = Convert_g1_To_f1(grid = grid, g_1 = g_1)
fR2 = Convert_gd_To_fR2(grid = grid, g_d = g_d, d = 3)
plot(grid, g_d, type = "l", xlim = c(0,10))
plot(grid, g_1, type = "l", xlim = c(0,10))
plot(Fg_1, xlim = c(-3,3))
plot(Qg_1, xlim = c(0.01,0.99))
plot(f1, xlim = c(-3,3))
plot(fR2, xlim = c(0,3))

Normalization of an elliptical copula generator


The function DensityGenerator.normalize transforms an elliptical copula generator into an elliptical copula generator,generating the same distribution and which is normalized to follow the normalization constraint

πd/2Γ(d/2)0+gk(t)t(d2)/2dt=1.\frac{\pi^{d/2}}{\Gamma(d/2)} \int_0^{+\infty} g_k(t) t^{(d-2)/2} dt = 1.

as well as the identification constraint

π(d1)/2Γ((d1)/2)0+gk(t)t(d3)/2dt=b.\frac{\pi^{(d-1)/2}}{\Gamma((d-1)/2)} \int_0^{+\infty} g_k(t) t^{(d-3)/2} dt = b.

The function DensityGenerator.check checks, for a given generator, whether these two constraints are satisfied.


DensityGenerator.normalize(grid, grid_g, d, verbose = 0, b = 1)

DensityGenerator.check(grid, grid_g, d, b = 1)



the regularly spaced grid on which the values of the generator are given.


the values of the dd-dimensional generator at points of the grid.


the dimension of the space.


if 1, prints the estimated (alpha, beta) such that new_g(t) = alpha * old_g(beta*t).


the target value for the identification constraint.


DensityGenerator.normalize returns the normalized generator, as a list of values on the same grid.

DensityGenerator.check returns (invisibly) a vector of two booleans where the first element is TRUE if the normalization constraint is satisfied and the second element is TRUE if the identification constraint is satisfied.


Derumigny, A., & Fermanian, J. D. (2022). Identifiability and estimation of meta-elliptical copula generators. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, article 104962. doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2022.104962.

See Also

EllCopSim() for the simulation of elliptical copula samples, EllCopEst() for the estimation of elliptical copula, conversion functions for the conversion between different representation of the generator of an elliptical copula.

Estimate the density generator of a (meta-)elliptical copula


This function estimates the density generator of a (meta-)elliptical copula using the iterative procedure described in (Derumigny and Fermanian, 2022). This iterative procedure consists in alternating a step of estimating the data via Liebscher's procedure EllDistrEst() and estimating the quantile function of the underlying elliptical distribution to transform the data back to the unit cube.


  grid = seq(0, 10, by = 0.01),
  niter = 10,
  a = 1,
  Kernel = "epanechnikov",
  verbose = 1,
  startPoint = "identity",
  prenormalization = FALSE



the data matrix on the [0,1][0,1] scale.


the inverse of the correlation matrix of the components of data


bandwidth of the kernel for Liebscher's procedure


the grid at which the density generator is estimated.


the number of iterations


tuning parameter to improve the performance at 0. See Liebscher (2005), Example p.210


kernel used for the smoothing. Possible choices are gaussian, epanechnikov and triangular.


if 1, prints the progress of the iterations. If 2, prints the normalization constants used at each iteration, as computed by DensityGenerator.normalize.


is the given starting point of the procedure

  • startPoint = "gaussian" for using the gaussian generator as starting point ;

  • startPoint = "identity" for a data-driven starting point ;

  • startPoint = "A~Phi^{-1}" for another data-driven starting point using the Gaussian quantile function.


if TRUE, the procedure will normalize the variables at each iteration so that the variance is 11.


a list of two elements:

  • g_d_norm: the estimated elliptical copula generator at each point of the grid;

  • list_path_gdh: the list of estimated elliptical copula generator at each iteration.


Derumigny, A., & Fermanian, J. D. (2022). Identifiability and estimation of meta-elliptical copula generators. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, article 104962. doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2022.104962.

Liebscher, E. (2005). A semiparametric density estimator based on elliptical distributions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 92(1), 205. doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2003.09.007

See Also

EllDistrEst for the estimation of elliptical distributions, EllCopSim for the simulation of elliptical copula samples, EllCopLikelihood for the computation of the likelihood of a given generator, DensityGenerator.normalize to compute the normalized version of a given generator.


# Simulation from a Gaussian copula
grid = seq(0,10,by = 0.01)
g_d = DensityGenerator.normalize(grid, grid_g = exp(-grid), d = 3)
n = 10
# To have a nice estimation, we suggest to use rather n=200
# (around 20s of computation time)
U = EllCopSim(n = n, d = 3, grid = grid, g_d = g_d)
result = EllCopEst(dataU = U, grid, Sigma_m1 = diag(3),
                   h = 0.1, a = 0.5)
plot(grid, g_d, type = "l", xlim = c(0,2))
lines(grid, result$g_d_norm, col = "red", xlim = c(0,2))

# Adding missing observations
n_NA = 2
U_NA = U
for (i in 1:n_NA){
  U_NA[,1),,1)] = NA
resultNA = EllCopEst(dataU = U_NA, grid, Sigma_m1 = diag(3),
                     h = 0.1, a = 0.5)
lines(grid, resultNA$g_d_norm, col = "blue", xlim = c(0,2))

Computation of the likelihood of an elliptical copula


Computes the likelihood

g(Qg(U)Σ1Qg(U))fg(Qg(U1))fg(Qg(Ud))\frac{g(Q_g(U) \Sigma^{-1} Q_g(U))}{f_g(Q_g(U_1)) \cdots f_g(Q_g(U_d))}

for a vector (U1,,Ud)(U_1, \dots, U_d) on the unit cube and for a dd-dimensional generator gg whose univariate density and quantile functions are respectively fgf_g and QgQ_g. This is to the likelihood of the copula associated with the elliptical distribution having density det(Σ)1/2g(xΣ1x)|det(\Sigma)|^{-1/2} g(x \Sigma^{-1} x).


EllCopLikelihood(grid, g_d, pointsToCompute, Sigma_m1, log = TRUE)



the discretization grid on which the generator is given.


the values of the dd-dimensional density generator on the grid.


the points UU at which the likelihood should be computed. If pointsToCompute is a vector, then its length is used as the dimension dd of the space. If it is a matrix, then the dimension of the space is the number of columns.


the inverse correlation matrix of the elliptical distribution.


if TRUE, this returns the log-likelihood instead of the likelihood.


a vector (of length 1 if pointsToCompute is a vector) of likelihoods associated with each observation.


Derumigny, A., & Fermanian, J. D. (2022). Identifiability and estimation of meta-elliptical copula generators. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, article 104962. doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2022.104962.

See Also

EllCopEst for the estimation of elliptical copula, EllCopEst for the estimation of elliptical copula.


grid = seq(0,50,by = 0.01)
gdnorm = DensityGenerator.normalize(grid = grid, grid_g = exp(-grid/2), d = 3)
gdnorm2 = DensityGenerator.normalize(grid = grid, grid_g = 1/(1+grid^2), d = 3)
X = EllCopSim(n = 30, d = 3, grid = grid, g_d = gdnorm)
logLik = EllCopLikelihood(grid , g_d = gdnorm , X,
                          Sigma_m1 = diag(3), log = TRUE)
logLik2 = EllCopLikelihood(grid , g_d = gdnorm2 , X,
                           Sigma_m1 = diag(3), log = TRUE)
print(c(sum(logLik), sum(logLik2)))

Simulation from an elliptical copula model


Simulation from an elliptical copula model


EllCopSim(n, d, grid, g_d, A = diag(d), genR = list(method = "pinv"))



number of observations.


dimension of X.


grid on which values of density generator are known.


vector of values of the density generator on the grid.


square-root of the correlation matrix of X.


additional arguments for the generation of the squared radius. It must be a list with a component method:

  • If genR$method == "pinv", the radius is generated using the function

  • If genR$method == "MH", the generation is done using the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm, with a N(0,1) move at each step.


a matrix of size ⁠(n,d)⁠ with n observations of the d-dimensional elliptical copula.


Derumigny, A., & Fermanian, J. D. (2022). Identifiability and estimation of meta-elliptical copula generators. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, article 104962. doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2022.104962.

See Also

EllDistrSim for the simulation of elliptical distributions samples, EllCopEst for the estimation of elliptical copula, EllCopLikelihood for the computation of the likelihood of a given generator, DensityGenerator.normalize to compute the normalized version of a given generator.


# Simulation from a Gaussian copula
grid = seq(0,5,by = 0.01)
X = EllCopSim(n = 20, d = 2, grid = grid, g_d = exp(-grid/2))
X = EllCopSim(n = 20, d = 2, grid = grid, g_d = exp(-grid/2),
              genR = list(method = "MH", niter = 500) )

Estimate the derivatives of a generator


A continuous elliptical distribution has a density of the form

fX(x)=Σ1/2g((xμ)Σ1(xμ)),f_X(x) = {|\Sigma|}^{-1/2} g\left( (x-\mu)^\top \, \Sigma^{-1} \, (x-\mu) \right),

where xRdx \in \mathbb{R}^d, μRd\mu \in \mathbb{R}^d is the mean, Σ\Sigma is a d×dd \times d positive-definite matrix and a function g:R+R+g: \mathbb{R}_+ \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_+, called the density generator of XX. The goal is to estimate the derivatives of gg at some point ξ\xi, by kernel smoothing, following Section 3 of (Ryan and Derumigny, 2024).


  mu = 0,
  Sigma_m1 = diag(NCOL(X)),
  Kernel = "gaussian",
  a = 1,
  mpfr = FALSE,
  precBits = 100,
  dopb = TRUE



a matrix of size n×dn \times d, assumed to be nn i.i.d. observations (rows) of a dd-dimensional elliptical distribution.


mean of X. This can be the true value or an estimate. It must be a vector of dimension dd.


inverse of the covariance matrix of X. This can be the true value or an estimate. It must be a matrix of dimension d×dd \times d.


grid of values on which to estimate the density generator.


bandwidth of the kernel. Can be either a number or a vector of the size length(grid).


name of the kernel. Possible choices are "gaussian", "epanechnikov", "triangular".


tuning parameter to improve the performance at 0.


highest order of the derivative of the generator that is to be estimated. For example, k = 1 corresponds to the estimation of the generator and of its derivative. k = 2 corresponds to the estimation of the generator as well as its first and second derivatives.


if mpfr = TRUE, multiple precision floating point is used via the package Rmpfr. This allows for a higher (numerical) accuracy, at the expense of computing time. It is recommended to use this option for higher dimensions.


number of precBits used for floating point precision (only used if mpfr = TRUE).


a Boolean value. If dopb = TRUE, a progress bar is displayed.


Note that this function may be rather slow for higher-order derivatives. Furthermore, it is likely that the number of observations needs to be quite high for the higher-order derivatives to be estimated well enough.


a matrix of size length(grid) * (kmax + 1) with the estimated value of the generator and all its derivatives at all orders until and including kmax, at all points of the grid.


Alexis Derumigny, Victor Ryan

Victor Ryan, Alexis Derumigny


Ryan, V., & Derumigny, A. (2024). On the choice of the two tuning parameters for nonparametric estimation of an elliptical distribution generator arxiv:2408.17087.

See Also

EllDistrEst for the nonparametric estimation of the elliptical distribution density generator itself, EllDistrSim for the simulation of elliptical distribution samples.

This function uses the internal functions compute_etahat and compute_matrix_alpha.


# Comparison between the estimated and true generator of the Gaussian distribution
n = 50000
d = 3
X = matrix(rnorm(n * d), ncol = d)
grid = seq(0, 5, by = 0.1)
a = 1.5

gprimeEst = EllDistrDerivEst(X = X, grid = grid, a = a, h = 0.09, k = 1)[,2]
plot(grid, gprimeEst, type = "l")

# Computation of true values
g = exp(-grid/2)/(2*pi)^{3/2}
gprime = (-1/2) * exp(-grid/2)/(2*pi)^{3/2}

lines(grid, gprime, col = "red")

Nonparametric estimation of the density generator of an elliptical distribution


This function uses Liebscher's algorithm to estimate the density generator of an elliptical distribution by kernel smoothing. A continuous elliptical distribution has a density of the form

fX(x)=Σ1/2g((xμ)Σ1(xμ)),f_X(x) = {|\Sigma|}^{-1/2} g\left( (x-\mu)^\top \, \Sigma^{-1} \, (x-\mu) \right),

where xRdx \in \mathbb{R}^d, μRd\mu \in \mathbb{R}^d is the mean, Σ\Sigma is a d×dd \times d positive-definite matrix and a function g:R+R+g: \mathbb{R}_+ \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_+, called the density generator of XX. The goal is to estimate gg at some point ξ\xi, by

g^n,h,a(ξ):=ξd+22ψa(ξ)nhsdi=1nK(ψa(ξ)ψa(ξi)h)+K(ψa(ξ)+ψa(ξi)h),\widehat{g}_{n,h,a}(\xi) := \dfrac{\xi^{\frac{-d+2}{2}} \psi_a'(\xi)}{n h s_d} \sum_{i=1}^n K\left( \dfrac{ \psi_a(\xi) - \psi_a(\xi_i) }{h} \right) + K\left( \dfrac{ \psi_a(\xi) + \psi_a(\xi_i) }{h} \right),

where sd:=πd/2/Γ(d/2)s_d := \pi^{d/2} / \Gamma(d/2), Γ\Gamma is the Gamma function, hh and aa are tuning parameters (respectively the bandwidth and a parameter controlling the bias at ξ=0\xi = 0), ψa(ξ):=a+(ad/2+ξd/2)2/d,\psi_a(\xi) := -a + (a^{d/2} + \xi^{d/2})^{2/d}, ξR\xi \in \mathbb{R}, KK is a kernel function and ξi:=(Xiμ)Σ1(Xiμ),\xi_i := (X_i - \mu)^\top \, \Sigma^{-1} \, (X_i - \mu), for a sample X1,,XnX_1, \dots, X_n.


  mu = 0,
  Sigma_m1 = diag(d),
  Kernel = "epanechnikov",
  a = 1,
  mpfr = FALSE,
  precBits = 100,
  dopb = TRUE



a matrix of size n×dn \times d, assumed to be nn i.i.d. observations (rows) of a dd-dimensional elliptical distribution.


mean of X. This can be the true value or an estimate. It must be a vector of dimension dd.


inverse of the covariance matrix of X. This can be the true value or an estimate. It must be a matrix of dimension d×dd \times d.


grid of values of ξ\xi at which we want to estimate the density generator.


bandwidth of the kernel. Can be either a number or a vector of the size length(grid).


name of the kernel. Possible choices are "gaussian", "epanechnikov", "triangular".


tuning parameter to improve the performance at 0. Can be either a number or a vector of the size length(grid). If this is a vector, the code will need to allocate a matrix of size nrow(X) * length(grid) which can be prohibitive in some cases.


if mpfr = TRUE, multiple precision floating point is used via the package Rmpfr. This allows for a higher (numerical) accuracy, at the expense of computing time. It is recommended to use this option for higher dimensions.


number of precBits used for floating point precision (only used if mpfr = TRUE).


a Boolean value. If dopb = TRUE, a progress bar is displayed.


the values of the density generator of the elliptical copula, estimated at each point of the grid.


Alexis Derumigny, Rutger van der Spek


Liebscher, E. (2005). A semiparametric density estimator based on elliptical distributions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 92(1), 205. doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2003.09.007

The function ψa\psi_a is introduced in Liebscher (2005), Example p.210.

See Also

  • EllDistrSim for the simulation of elliptical distribution samples.

  • estim_tilde_AMSE for the estimation of a component of the asymptotic mean-square error (AMSE) of this estimator g^n,h,a(ξ)\widehat{g}_{n,h,a}(\xi), assuming hh has been optimally chosen.

  • EllDistrEst.adapt for the adaptive nonparametric estimation of the generator of an elliptical distribution.

  • EllDistrDerivEst for the nonparametric estimation of the derivatives of the generator.

  • EllCopEst for the estimation of elliptical copulas density generators.


# Comparison between the estimated and true generator of the Gaussian distribution
X = matrix(rnorm(500*3), ncol = 3)
grid = seq(0,5,by=0.1)
g_3 = EllDistrEst(X = X, grid = grid, a = 0.7, h=0.05)
g_3mpfr = EllDistrEst(X = X, grid = grid, a = 0.7, h=0.05,
                      mpfr = TRUE, precBits = 20)
plot(grid, g_3, type = "l")
lines(grid, exp(-grid/2)/(2*pi)^{3/2}, col = "red")

# In higher dimensions

d = 250
X = matrix(rnorm(500*d), ncol = d)
grid = seq(0, 400, by = 25)
true_g = exp(-grid/2) / (2*pi)^{d/2}

g_d = EllDistrEst(X = X, grid = grid, a = 100, h=40)

g_dmpfr = EllDistrEst(X = X, grid = grid, a = 100, h=40,
                      mpfr = TRUE, precBits = 10000)
ylim = c(min(c(true_g, as.numeric(g_dmpfr[which(g_dmpfr>0)]))),
         max(c(true_g, as.numeric(g_dmpfr)), na.rm=TRUE) )
plot(grid, g_dmpfr, type = "l", col = "red", ylim = ylim, log = "y")
lines(grid, g_d, type = "l")
lines(grid, true_g, col = "blue")

Estimation of the generator of the elliptical distribution by kernel smoothing with adaptive choice of the bandwidth


A continuous elliptical distribution has a density of the form

fX(x)=Σ1/2g((xμ)Σ1(xμ)),f_X(x) = {|\Sigma|}^{-1/2} g\left( (x-\mu)^\top \, \Sigma^{-1} \, (x-\mu) \right),

where xRdx \in \mathbb{R}^d, μRd\mu \in \mathbb{R}^d is the mean, Σ\Sigma is a d×dd \times d positive-definite matrix and a function g:R+R+g: \mathbb{R}_+ \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_+, called the density generator of XX. The goal is to estimate gg at some point ξ\xi, by

g^n,h,a(ξ):=ξd+22ψa(ξ)nhsdi=1nK(ψa(ξ)ψa(ξi)h)+K(ψa(ξ)+ψa(ξi)h),\widehat{g}_{n,h,a}(\xi) := \dfrac{\xi^{\frac{-d+2}{2}} \psi_a'(\xi)}{n h s_d} \sum_{i=1}^n K\left( \dfrac{ \psi_a(\xi) - \psi_a(\xi_i) }{h} \right) + K\left( \dfrac{ \psi_a(\xi) + \psi_a(\xi_i) }{h} \right),

where sd:=πd/2/Γ(d/2)s_d := \pi^{d/2} / \Gamma(d/2), Γ\Gamma is the Gamma function, hh and aa are tuning parameters (respectively the bandwidth and a parameter controlling the bias at ξ=0\xi = 0), ψa(ξ):=a+(ad/2+ξd/2)2/d,\psi_a(\xi) := -a + (a^{d/2} + \xi^{d/2})^{2/d}, ξR\xi \in \mathbb{R}, KK is a kernel function and ξi:=(Xiμ)Σ1(Xiμ),\xi_i := (X_i - \mu)^\top \, \Sigma^{-1} \, (X_i - \mu), for a sample X1,,XnX_1, \dots, X_n. This function computes "optimal asymptotic" values for the bandwidth hh and the tuning parameter aa from a first step bandwidth that the user needs to provide.


  mu = 0,
  Sigma_m1 = diag(NCOL(X)),
  grid_a = NULL,
  Kernel = "gaussian",
  mpfr = FALSE,
  precBits = 100,
  dopb = TRUE



a matrix of size n×dn \times d, assumed to be nn i.i.d. observations (rows) of a dd-dimensional elliptical distribution.


mean of X. This can be the true value or an estimate. It must be a vector of dimension dd.


inverse of the covariance matrix of X. This can be the true value or an estimate. It must be a matrix of dimension d×dd \times d.


vector containing the values at which we want the generator to be estimated.


a vector of size 2 containing first-step bandwidths to be used. The first one is used for the estimation of the asymptotic mean-squared error. The second one is used for the first step estimation of gg. From these two estimators, a final value of the bandwidth hh is determined, which is used for the final estimator of gg.

If h_firstStep is of length 1, its value is reused for both purposes (estimation of the AMSE and first-step estimation of gg).


the grid of possible values of a to be used. If missing, a default sequence is used.


name of the kernel. Possible choices are "gaussian", "epanechnikov", "triangular".


if mpfr = TRUE, multiple precision floating point is used via the package Rmpfr. This allows for a higher (numerical) accuracy, at the expense of computing time. It is recommended to use this option for higher dimensions.


number of precBits used for floating point precision (only used if mpfr = TRUE).


a Boolean value. If dopb = TRUE, a progress bar is displayed.


a list with the following elements:

  • g a vector of size n1 = length(grid). Each component of this vector is an estimator of g(x[i])g(x[i]) where x[i] is the ii-th element of the grid.

  • best_a a vector of the same size as grid indicating for each value of the grid what is the optimal choice of aa found by our algorithm (which is used to estimate gg).

  • best_h a vector of the same size as grid indicating for each value of the grid what is the optimal choice of hh found by our algorithm (which is used to estimate gg).

  • first_step_g first step estimator of g, computed using the tuning parameters best_a and h_firstStep[2].

  • AMSE_estimated an estimator of the part of the asymptotic MSE that only depends on aa.


Alexis Derumigny, Victor Ryan


Ryan, V., & Derumigny, A. (2024). On the choice of the two tuning parameters for nonparametric estimation of an elliptical distribution generator arxiv:2408.17087.

See Also

EllDistrEst for the nonparametric estimation of the elliptical distribution density generator, EllDistrSim for the simulation of elliptical distribution samples.

estim_tilde_AMSE which is used in this function. It estimates a component of the asymptotic mean-square error (AMSE) of the nonparametric estimator of the elliptical density generator assuming hh has been optimally chosen.


n = 500
d = 3
X = matrix(rnorm(n * d), ncol = d)
grid = seq(0, 5, by = 0.1)

result = EllDistrEst.adapt(X = X, grid = grid, h = 0.05)
plot(grid, result$g, type = "l")
lines(grid, result$first_step_g, col = "blue")

# Computation of true values
g = exp(-grid/2)/(2*pi)^{3/2}
lines(grid, g, type = "l", col = "red")

plot(grid, result$best_a, type = "l", col = "red")
plot(grid, result$best_h, type = "l", col = "red")

sum((g - result$g)^2, na.rm = TRUE) < sum((g - result$first_step_g)^2, na.rm = TRUE)

Simulation of elliptically symmetric random vectors


This function uses the decomposition X=μ+RAUX = \mu + R * A * U where μ\mu is the mean of XX, RR is the random radius, AA is the square-root of the covariance matrix of XX, and UU is a uniform random variable of the d-dimensional unit sphere. Note that RR is generated using the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm.


  A = diag(d),
  mu = 0,
  genR = list(method = "pinv")



number of observations.


dimension of XX.


square-root of the covariance matrix of XX.


mean of XX. It should be a vector of size d.


density of the random variable R2R^2, i.e. the density of the X22||X||_2^2 if μ=0\mu=0 and AA is the identity matrix.

Note that this function must return 00 for negative inputs, otherwise negative values of R2R^2 may be generated. The simplest way to do this is to add ⁠ * (x > 0)⁠ at the end of the return value of the provided density_R2 function (see example below).


additional arguments for the generation of the squared radius. It must be a list with a component method:

  • If genR$method == "pinv", the radius is generated using the function

  • If genR$method == "MH", the generation is done using the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm, with a N(0,1)N(0,1) move at each step.


a matrix of dimensions (n,d) of simulated observations.

See Also

EllCopSim for the simulation of elliptical copula samples, EllCopEst for the estimation of elliptical distributions, EllDistrSimCond for the conditional simulation of elliptically distributed random vectors given some observe components.


# Sample from a 3-dimensional normal distribution
X = EllDistrSim(n = 200, d = 3, density_R2 = function(x){stats::dchisq(x=x,df=3)})
plot(X[,1], X[,2])
X = EllDistrSim(n = 200, d = 3, density_R2 = function(x){stats::dchisq(x=x,df=3)},
                genR = list(method = "MH", niter = 500))
plot(X[,1], X[,2])

# Sample from an Elliptical distribution for which the squared radius
# follows an exponential distribution
cov1 = rbind(c(1,0.5), c(0.5,1))
X = EllDistrSim(n = 1000, d = 2,
                A = chol(cov1), mu = c(2,6),
                density_R2 = function(x){return(exp(-x) * (x > 0))} )

Simulation of elliptically symmetric random vectors conditionally to some observed part.


Simulation of elliptically symmetric random vectors conditionally to some observed part.


  Sigma = diag(d),
  mu = 0,
  genR = list(method = "pinv")



number of observations to be simulated from the conditional distribution.


observed value of X that we condition on. NA represent unknown components of the vectors to be simulated.


dimension of the random vector


(unconditional) covariance matrix


(unconditional) mean


(unconditional) density of the squared radius.


additional arguments for the generation of the squared radius. It must be a list with a component method:

  • If genR$method == "pinv", the radius is generated using the function

  • If genR$method == "MH", the generation is done using the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm, with a N(0,1) move at each step.


a matrix of size (n,d) of simulated observations.


Cambanis, S., Huang, S., & Simons, G. (1981). On the Theory of Elliptically Contoured Distributions, Journal of Multivariate Analysis. (Corollary 5, p.376)

See Also

EllDistrSim for the (unconditional) simulation of elliptically distributed random vectors.


d = 3
Sigma = rbind(c(1, 0.8, 0.9),
              c(0.8, 1, 0.7),
              c(0.9, 0.7, 1))
mu = c(0, 0, 0)
result = EllDistrSimCond(n = 100, xobs = c(NA, 2, NA), d = d,
  Sigma = Sigma, mu = mu, density_R2_ = function(x){stats::dchisq(x=x,df=3)})

result2 = EllDistrSimCond(n = 1000, xobs = c(1.3, 2, NA), d = d,
  Sigma = Sigma, mu = mu, density_R2_ = function(x){stats::dchisq(x=x,df=3)})

Estimate the part of the AMSE of the elliptical density generator that only depends on the parameter "a" assuming hh has been optimally chosen


A continuous elliptical distribution has a density of the form

fX(x)=Σ1/2g((xμ)Σ1(xμ)),f_X(x) = {|\Sigma|}^{-1/2} g\left( (x-\mu)^\top \, \Sigma^{-1} \, (x-\mu) \right),

where xRdx \in \mathbb{R}^d, μRd\mu \in \mathbb{R}^d is the mean, Σ\Sigma is a d×dd \times d positive-definite matrix and a function g:R+R+g: \mathbb{R}_+ \rightarrow \mathbb{R}_+, called the density generator of XX. The goal is to estimate gg at some point ξ\xi, by

g^n,h,a(ξ):=ξd+22ψa(ξ)nhsdi=1nK(ψa(ξ)ψa(ξi)h)+K(ψa(ξ)+ψa(ξi)h),\widehat{g}_{n,h,a}(\xi) := \dfrac{\xi^{\frac{-d+2}{2}} \psi_a'(\xi)}{n h s_d} \sum_{i=1}^n K\left( \dfrac{ \psi_a(\xi) - \psi_a(\xi_i) }{h} \right) + K\left( \dfrac{ \psi_a(\xi) + \psi_a(\xi_i) }{h} \right),

where sd:=πd/2/Γ(d/2)s_d := \pi^{d/2} / \Gamma(d/2), Γ\Gamma is the Gamma function, hh and aa are tuning parameters (respectively the bandwidth and a parameter controlling the bias at ξ=0\xi = 0), ψa(ξ):=a+(ad/2+ξd/2)2/d,\psi_a(\xi) := -a + (a^{d/2} + \xi^{d/2})^{2/d}, ξR\xi \in \mathbb{R}, KK is a kernel function and ξi:=(Xiμ)Σ1(Xiμ),\xi_i := (X_i - \mu)^\top \, \Sigma^{-1} \, (X_i - \mu), for a sample X1,,XnX_1, \dots, X_n. Thanks to Proposition 2.2 in (Ryan and Derumigny, 2024), the asymptotic mean square error of g^n,h,a(ξ)\widehat{g}_{n,h,a}(\xi) can be decomposed into a product of a constant (that depends on the true gg) and a term that depends on gg and aa. This function computes this term. It can be useful to find out the best value of the parameter aa to be used.


  mu = 0,
  Sigma_m1 = diag(NCOL(X)),
  Kernel = "gaussian",
  a = 1,
  mpfr = FALSE,
  precBits = 100,
  dopb = TRUE



a matrix of size n×dn \times d, assumed to be nn i.i.d. observations (rows) of a dd-dimensional elliptical distribution.


mean of X. This can be the true value or an estimate. It must be a vector of dimension dd.


inverse of the covariance matrix of X. This can be the true value or an estimate. It must be a matrix of dimension d×dd \times d.


grid of values of ξ\xi at which we want to estimate the density generator.


bandwidth of the kernel. Can be either a number or a vector of the size length(grid).


name of the kernel. Possible choices are "gaussian", "epanechnikov", "triangular".


tuning parameter to improve the performance at 0. Can be either a number or a vector of the size length(grid). If this is a vector, the code will need to allocate a matrix of size nrow(X) * length(grid) which can be prohibitive in some cases.


if mpfr = TRUE, multiple precision floating point is used via the package Rmpfr. This allows for a higher (numerical) accuracy, at the expense of computing time. It is recommended to use this option for higher dimensions.


number of precBits used for floating point precision (only used if mpfr = TRUE).


a Boolean value. If dopb = TRUE, a progress bar is displayed.


a vector of the same size as the grid, with the corresponding value for the AMSE~\widetilde{AMSE}.


Alexis Derumigny, Victor Ryan


Ryan, V., & Derumigny, A. (2024). On the choice of the two tuning parameters for nonparametric estimation of an elliptical distribution generator arxiv:2408.17087.


# Comparison between the estimated and true generator of the Gaussian distribution
n = 50000
d = 3
X = matrix(rnorm(n * d), ncol = d)
grid = seq(0, 5, by = 0.1)
a = 1.5

AMSE_est = estim_tilde_AMSE(X = X, grid = grid, a = a, h = 0.09)
plot(grid, abs(AMSE_est), type = "l")

# Computation of true values
g = exp(-grid/2)/(2*pi)^{3/2}
gprime = (-1/2) *exp(-grid/2)/(2*pi)^{3/2}
A = a^(d/2)
psia = -a + (A + grid^(d/2))^(2/d)
psiaprime = grid^(d/2 - 1) * (A + grid^(d/2))^(2/d - 1)
psiasecond = psiaprime * ( (d-2)/2 ) * grid^{-1} * A *
  ( grid^(d/2) + A )^(-1)

rhoprimexi = ((d-2) * grid^((d-4)/2) * psiaprime
  - 2 * grid^((d-2)/2) * psiasecond) / (2 * psiaprime^3) * g +
  grid^((d-2)/2) / (psiaprime^2) * gprime

AMSE = rhoprimexi / psiaprime

lines(grid, abs(AMSE), col = "red")

# Comparison as a function of $a$
n = 50000
d = 3
X = matrix(rnorm(n * d), ncol = d)
grid = 0.1
vec_a = c(0.001, 0.002, 0.005,
0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.8, 1, 1.5, 2)

AMSE_est = rep(NA, length = length(vec_a))
for (i in 1:length(vec_a)){
  AMSE_est[i] = estim_tilde_AMSE(X = X, grid = grid, a = vec_a[i], h = 0.09,
                          dopb = FALSE)

plot(vec_a, abs(AMSE_est), type = "l", log = "x")

# Computation of true values
a = vec_a

g = exp(-grid/2)/(2*pi)^{3/2}
gprime = (-1/2) *exp(-grid/2)/(2*pi)^{3/2}
A = a^(d/2)
psia = -a + (A + grid^(d/2))^(2/d)
psiaprime = grid^(d/2 - 1) * (A + grid^(d/2))^(2/d - 1)
psiasecond = psiaprime * ( (d-2)/2 ) * grid^{-1} * A *
  ( grid^(d/2) + A )^(-1)

rhoprimexi = ((d-2) * grid^((d-4)/2) * psiaprime
  - 2 * grid^((d-2)/2) * psiasecond) / (2 * psiaprime^3) * g +
  grid^((d-2)/2) / (psiaprime^2) * gprime

AMSE = rhoprimexi / psiaprime

yliminf = min(c(abs(AMSE_est), abs(AMSE)))
ylimsup = max(c(abs(AMSE_est), abs(AMSE)))

plot(vec_a, abs(AMSE_est), type = "l", log = "xy",
     ylim = c(yliminf, ylimsup))
lines(vec_a, abs(AMSE), col = "red")

Fast estimation of Kendall's tau matrix


Estimate Kendall's tau matrix using averaging estimators. Under the structural assumption that Kendall's tau matrix is block-structured with constant values in each off-diagonal block, this function estimates Kendall's tau matrix “fast”, in the sense that each interblock coefficient is estimated in time Nnlog(n)N \cdot n \cdot log(n), where N is the amount of pairs that are averaged.


KTMatrixEst(dataMatrix, blockStructure = NULL, averaging = "no", N = NULL)



matrix of size (n,d) containing n observations of a d-dimensional random vector.


list of vectors. Each vector corresponds to one group of variables and contains the indexes of the variables that belongs to this group. blockStructure must be a partition of 1:d, where d is the number of columns in dataMatrix.


type of averaging used for fast estimation. Possible choices are

  • no: no averaging;

  • all: averaging all Kendall's taus in each block. N is then the number of entries in the block, i.e. the products of both dimensions.

  • diag: averaging along diagonal blocks elements. N is then the minimum of the block's dimensions.

  • row: averaging Kendall's tau along the smallest block side. N is then the minimum of the block's dimensions.

  • random: averaging Kendall's taus along a random sample of N entries of the given block. These entries are chosen uniformly without replacement.


number of entries to average (n the random case. By default, N is then the minimum of the block's dimensions.


matrix with dimensions depending on averaging.

  • If averaging = no, the function returns a matrix of dimension (n,n) which estimates the Kendall's tau matrix.

  • Else, the function returns a matrix of dimension (length(blockStructure) , length(blockStructure)) giving the estimates of the Kendall's tau for each block with ones on the diagonal.


Rutger van der Spek, Alexis Derumigny


van der Spek, R., & Derumigny, A. (2022). Fast estimation of Kendall's Tau and conditional Kendall's Tau matrices under structural assumptions. arxiv:2204.03285.


# Estimating off-diagonal block Kendall's taus
matrixCor = matrix(c(1  , 0.5, 0.3 ,0.3, 0.3,
                     0.5,   1, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3,
                     0.3, 0.3,   1, 0.5, 0.5,
                     0.3, 0.3, 0.5,   1, 0.5,
                     0.3, 0.3, 0.5, 0.5,   1), ncol = 5 , nrow = 5)
dataMatrix = mvtnorm::rmvnorm(n = 100, mean = rep(0, times = 5), sigma = matrixCor)
blockStructure = list(1:2, 3:5)
estKTMatrix = list()
estKTMatrix$all = KTMatrixEst(dataMatrix = dataMatrix,
                              blockStructure = blockStructure,
                              averaging = "all")
estKTMatrix$row = KTMatrixEst(dataMatrix = dataMatrix,
                              blockStructure = blockStructure,
                              averaging = "row")
estKTMatrix$diag = KTMatrixEst(dataMatrix = dataMatrix,
                               blockStructure = blockStructure,
                               averaging = "diag")
estKTMatrix$random = KTMatrixEst(dataMatrix = dataMatrix,
                                 blockStructure = blockStructure,
                                 averaging = "random", N = 2)
InterBlockCor = lapply(estKTMatrix, FUN = function(x) {sin(x[1,2] * pi / 2)})

# Estimation of the correlation between variables of the first group
# and of the second group
# to be compared with the true value: 0.3.

Estimation of trans-elliptical distributions


This function estimates the parameters of a trans-elliptical distribution which is a distribution whose copula is (meta-)elliptical, with arbitrary margins, using the procedure proposed in (Derumigny & Fermanian, 2022).


  X, estimatorCDF = function(x){
    return( function(y){(stats::ecdf(x)(y) - 1/(2*length(x))) }) },
  h, verbose = 1, grid, ...)



the matrix of observations of the variables


the way of estimating the marginal cumulative distribution functions. It should be either a function that takes in parameter a vector of observations and returns an estimated cdf (i.e. a function) or a list of such functions to be applied on the data. In this case, it is required that the length of the list should be the same as the number of columns of X. It is required that the functions returned by estimatorCDF should have values in the open interval (0,1)(0,1).


bandwidth for the non-parametric estimation of the density generator.


if 1, prints the progress of the iterations. If 2, prints the normalizations constants used at each iteration, as computed by DensityGenerator.normalize.


grid of values on which to estimate the density generator


other parameters to be passed to EllCopEst.


This function returns a list with three components:

  • listEstCDF: a list of estimated marginal CDF given by estimatorCDF;

  • corMatrix: the estimated correlation matrix:

  • estEllCopGen: the estimated generator of the meta-elliptical copula.


Derumigny, A., & Fermanian, J. D. (2022). Identifiability and estimation of meta-elliptical copula generators. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, article 104962. doi:10.1016/j.jmva.2022.104962.


cor = matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.2,
               0.5, 1, 0.8,
               0.2, 0.8, 1), byrow = TRUE, nrow = 3)

grid = seq(0,10,by = 0.01)
g_d = DensityGenerator.normalize(grid, grid_g = exp(-grid), d = 3)
n = 10
# To have a nice estimation, we suggest to use rather n=200
# (around 20s of computation time)
U = EllCopSim(n = n, d = 3, grid = grid, g_d = g_d, A = chol(cor))
X = matrix(nrow = n, ncol = 3)
X[,1] = stats::qnorm(U[,1], mean = 2)
X[,2] = stats::qt(U[,2], df = 5)
X[,3] = stats::qt(U[,3], df = 8)

result = TEllDistrEst(X, h = 0.1, grid = grid)
plot(grid, g_d, type = "l", xlim = c(0,2))
lines(grid, result$estiEllCop$g_d_norm, col = "red")

# Adding missing observations
n_NA = 2
X_NA = X
for (i in 1:n_NA){
  X_NA[,1),,1)] = NA
resultNA = TEllDistrEst(X_NA, h = 0.1, grid = grid, verbose = 1)
lines(grid, resultNA$estiEllCopGen, col = "blue")

Vectorized version of Faa di Bruno formula


This code implements a vectorized version of the Faa di Bruno formula, relying internally on the Bell polynomials from the package kStatistics, via the function kStatistics::eBellPol.


vectorized_Faa_di_Bruno(f, g, x, k, args_f, args_g)


f, g

two functions that take in argument

  • a vector x of numeric values

  • an integer k which is as to be understood as the order of the derivative of f

  • potentially other parameters (not vectorized)


vector of (one-dimensional) values at which the k-th order derivatives is to be evaluated.


the order of the derivative

args_f, args_g

the list of additional parameters to be passed on to f and g. This must be the same for all values of x.


a vector of size length(x) for which the i-th component is (fg)(k)(x[i])(f \circ g)^{(k)} (x[i])


Alexis Derumigny, Victor Ryan

See Also

compute_matrix_alpha which also uses the Bell polynomials in a similar way.


g <- function(x, k, a){
  if (k == 0){ return ( exp(x) + a)
  } else {
    return (exp(x))
args_g = list(a = 2)

f <- function(x, k, a){
  if (k == 0){ return ( x^2 + a)
  } else if (k == 1) {
    return ( 2 * x)
  } else if (k == 2) {
    return ( 2 )
  } else {
    return ( 0 )
args_f = list(a = 5)

x = 1:5
vectorized_Faa_di_Bruno(f = f, g = g, x = x, k = 1,
  args_f = args_f, args_g = args_g)
# Derivative of ( exp(x) + 2 )^2 + 5
# which explicit expression is:
2 * exp(x) * ( exp(x) + 2 )